Airbnb and affordable living

Sir, – It is gratifying to know that Airbnb, a $30 billion corporation, is worried about families from abroad being unable to afford holidays in Ireland ("Planning guidelines make Ireland unaffordable for families, claims Airbnb", Business & Property, February 28th).

It’s a pity Airbnb and other short-let companies do not display similar sympathy for families who have to live beside properties let out to large groups, many of whom display anti-social behaviour late at night.

Maybe they could also display sympathy for the many families and other people who are unable to get rental accommodation as thousands of “entire homes” are listed on Airbnb because landlords can make more money through Airbnb than by letting the properties out to families and other people who desperately need permanent accommodation.

I have no problem with people letting out a room to holidaymakers but the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government is correct in stipulating that planning permission must be applied for in relation to entire home listings. I hope such planning permissions are fought and defeated by neighbours wherever they are applied for.


It might come as a surprise to Airbnb that families holidayed in Ireland long before Airbnb existed and happily stayed in B&Bs, budget hotels and other affordable places.

Airbnb should spare us its crocodile tears. Somehow I don’t think it is families it is worried about. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 2.