Air Corps jet transport

Sir, – The calls for President Michael D Higgins to “come clean” about his use of the Air Corps Learjet 45 to travel to Belfast are unbecoming of some of the candidates who are probably quite accustomed to being chauffeured around in style. They of all people should know that a valuable asset cannot spend time gathering dust in a hangar but has to earn its keep in its designated roles as ministerial (and presidential) transport and air ambulance.

The aircrew must keep its skills current with a minimum number of flying hours per month, off-base approaches and landings, and instrument flight practice.

So rather than just fly up and down the country to put in the required hours, they might as well use it for some useful purpose, be it ferrying the President to Belfast or a Minister of State to open a call centre in Sligo.

We are indeed a nation of begrudgers! – Yours, etc,




Co Wicklow.