A season of excess

Sir, – As we are now well into the season of wanton extravagance and waste, we might take a little time out to examine our shopping habits and how they impact negatively on the environment and global warming.

Have a look at the amount unnecessary plastic wrapping, other excess packaging, unneeded Christmas presents, the number of battery-operated items, the food we don’t consume and the clothes we buy that we don’t need. We can point fingers at governments and big business and blame them for global warming, therefore conveniently passing the responsibility to them to do something about it.

For the Christian this is not just a political or economic issue; we have a religious and moral obligation to safeguard this amazing and complex planet. It has been given by God not only to provide for our sustenance but also that of our children and grandchildren. – Yours, etc,



Dundalk, Co Louth.