A mountain of debt

A chara, – As taxpayers we should be annoyed that our Government is willing to spend €3 billion of our money on a broadband plan without ending up owning the infrastructure. We should be furious with the outrageous overspend of hundreds of millions of euro on our national children’s hospital, but what emotion could possibly encapsulate reading, “Ireland paid over €60 billion interest on national debt in 10 years” (Business, July 1st)?

It must be the priority of our Government to eliminate our €200 billion national debt as soon as possible.

There is zero benefit for taxpayers for its money to be spent on interest payments.

If our country was debt free, then these vast amounts of monies could be spent on improving and developing Ireland. Come to think of it, what is our Government’s strategy for paying off our entire national debt so that we can stop making these eye-watering multibillion annual interest payments?


Or is it because debt, by its very nature, is so unsexy that there is no strategy to free us from such a crippling hardship and all the restrictions it imposes on us? Imagine what Ireland could achieve with an extra €60,000,000,000 every decade. – Is mise,



Dublin 6.