A Marathon success – for the runners

Sir, – My wife and I just completed the Dublin Marathon (on Sunday). Hats off to the organisers and all the volunteers. Not to mention all the people who came out to cheer. Superb organisation, and a wholly uplifting experience. Thank you to everyone. Now for that bath. – Yours, etc,


Termonfeckin, Co Louth.

Sir, – While running a marathon is part of life for runners, so too is attending Sunday morning worship for parish congregations, and visiting sick relatives in hospital by members of the public.


The scheduling of the SSE Airtricity Dublin City Marathon on a Sunday morning made it impossible for many Dublin parishioners to attend weekly worship, which for some older people, is one of their few opportunities for social contact.

The marathon route alongside St Vincent’s Hospital and resulting delays in the wider area created significant problems in accessing the hospital.

Visits to patients are most important on a bank holiday weekend while others are away and there is less medical activity for patients.

Is it too much too ask that Dubliners have access to their hospitals and churches in the day of the Dublin City Marathon? Better planning in future would avoid such clashes. – Yours, etc,



Dundrum, Dublin 16.