A marathon effort on plastics

Sir, – As a marathon runner I agree with Moninne Creaney about plastic containers and bottles being given out freely to runners (Letters, October 30th). Many runners are also environmentally conscious and wish to see the practice of plastic distribution discontinued.

Indeed, as mentioned in The Irish Times during the summer, runners even combine their activity with picking up plastic litter; the Swedish phenomenon of "plogging" is increasingly popular in Ireland.

It should be pointed out plastic-free running events are already possible in Ireland as demonstrated by Run Kilkee event earlier this year. Irish events could also learn from the 2018 Berlin marathon where runners were each given a reusable cup with belt clip and water outlets were provided en route for their refills. A record-setting marathon event could be held in Dublin next year by banning plastic single-use containers completely! – Yours, etc,



Florence, Italy.