A Galway journey

Sir, – In response to comments by Denis Healy ("A journey to Galway", Letters, October 2nd) regarding the naming of areas in Galway, I would offer the following comments.

The area referred to as “The Latin Quarter” was, in my younger days, a dingy and derelict part of Galway to the extent that whenever I was sent to town from our home in the Claddagh “on a message” of a dark winter’s evening, my mother would instruct me to take the long way – via Dominic Street and O’Brien’s Bridge to avoid the Quay Street and High Street area. No comparison to the lively vibrant area it has now become. And no harm in a bit of collaborative marketing by the local business community to brand their area for their mutual benefit.

If it causes Mr Healy so much discomfort, he can take comfort that the Dominic Street route is still an option.

While “The Latin Quarter” branding may be of relatively recent vintage, “The West End” has been in common usage going back generations. My only criticism would be the removal of the “h” from “Wesht”. – Yours, etc,




Co Galway.