Sir, – Michael Lowry’s two-fingered gesture in the Dáil after the Government won the vote on changing standing orders may well be the image by which this Government is remembered.
Mr Lowry’s explanation of what the gesture meant is exactly what you’d expect from a TD of his calibre. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 6.
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Sir, – Micheál Martin was once severely critical of Michael Lowry, asking him to resign from the Dáil in 2011. What changed from Mr Martin’s demand that Mr Lowry resign in 2011 and Fine Gael deselecting Verona Murphy as party candidate in 2020 to standing behind both? The answer is simple. Power. But who is the power held for, the people or the political strategists in our establishment? This Dáil appals me and unfortunately I hold no hope for a fragmented Opposition to hold it to account.– Yours, etc,
Co Meath.
Sir, – On a daily basis people in the statutory and voluntary sector work tirelessly to promote good citizenship. Elected public representatives have a huge role to play in helping them. Being a good example can achieve a lot. Let’s hope that what we saw in our national parliament doesn’t become the norm. Now more than ever we need good role models.
Sadly, an example of being a good role models was hard to find. – Yours, etc,
Director of Services,
Alice Leahy Trust,
Dublin 8.
Sir, – Wouldn’t it be great if our politicians got as fired up about the housing crisis as they do about their speaking rights? – Yours, etc,
Sunday’s Well,
Sir, – There was a time when it was two cheers for democracy. Now it’s two fingers to democracy and the Irish people. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 7.
Sir, – Now that there is a move to keep smartphones out of the school day so that the students can concentrate on their work, maybe there is a case to do the same in the Dáil, given the circus performance of March 25th. – Yours, etc,
Co Waterford.
Sir, – Perhaps the Dáil could sit for longer hours on more days. Then everyone’s voice could be heard, and we might get through the current embarrassing impasse and actually get some work done. TDs might forgo a few funerals and some social media updates to free up their schedules. – Yours, etc,
Co Wicklow.
Sir, – It now appears that Michael Lowry and his technical group have one foot in the Government and another foot in the Opposition.
With the gap on the issue becoming increasingly wider between the Government and the Opposition, are Mr Lowry and his colleagues now in danger of doing the splits and injuring themselves in the process? – Yours, etc,
Co Meath.
Sir, – The antics and posturing in the Dáil by TDs of all persuasions were an utter disgrace. TDs seem to ignorant of or wilfully ignore the stark fact that western liberal democracy requires compromise and mutual respect. When will these alleged national politicians recall that their primary duty is to their fellow citizens and not to their own utterly tiresome, predictable and self-cherished soundbites? – Yours, etc,
Co Clare.
Sir, – We live in a world where “optics” matter, and every picture tells its own story. Hence the photograph of Michael Lowry TD giving the “two-fingered salute” shows a parliamentarian displaying contempt for his seat, contempt for his fellow legislators, and contempt for the watching public. The cries of “Shame, shame, shame” which echoed around the chamber in response to the entire fiasco were never so appropriate. – Yours, etc,
Co Cavan.
Sir, – Having watched the video of Michael Lowry’s two-fingered gesture in the Dáil, it is clear that there are an awful lot of ridiculous claims being made about the gesture and what Mr Lowry allegedly said. In my mind, as an expert lip-reader, it is clear that he is saying “Can you believe that Ireland scored two goals against Bulgaria the other night”. Case closed. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 16.
Sir, – Conflicts rage in the Middle East and lead to an increasing humanitarian crisis. There is war in eastern Europe and we are at greater risk of nuclear Armageddon than at any time in the past 60 years.
The US is threatening trade tariffs and other economic actions against Europe, putting at risk thousands of jobs in Ireland.
Meanwhile, our housing crisis continues and we face major challenges in areas such as healthcare and education. So, how do our TDs respond? By shouting at one another for the past two months over speaking time in the Dáil. We have among the highest number of representatives per head of population and the lowest number of sitting hours of any parliament in Europe. Perhaps we need fewer TDs, but ones who spend more time in the Dáil focusing on the international and national crises facing this country. – Yours, etc,
Co Wicklow.
Sir, – Perhaps an hour on the naughty step, in silence, outside Dáil Éireann? – Yours, etc,
Co Donegal.
A chara, – Could it be that Mr Lowry was simply indicating that he had indeed got it both ways – hence, the two fingers? – Is mise,
Co Wicklow.
Local authorities and planning
Sir, – Comments to the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) criticising the ability of local authorities to plan big cities (“Irish councils lack ability to plan big cities, conference told”, News, March 25th), in tandem with additional remarks (Michael McDowell, “No European city would tolerate the decay and dereliction visible in Dublin”, Opinion & Analysis, March 26th), where there is a description of local authorities as being “somnolent behemoths” and councillors as being an “ornamental fringe of elected representatives”, are insulting and do not pay sufficient respect to the dedicated work undertaken by specialist planners, as well by councillors generally, within councils.
The future planning of Dublin is taken very diligently and comprehensively by all concerned in the preparation of development plans lasting for timeframes of six years where concentrated focus is undertaken to establish a viable and sympathetic planning framework that would be as compatible as much as possible in a localised sense within existing suburbs and villages, while taking into account to a statutory degree national guidance which is required to be adapted locally.
The idea that planning is driven primarily alone in a silo by local authorities does not hold, as such national guidance includes, for instance, the national planning framework, regional spatial strategies, climate plans, as well as interactions with the Office of the Planning Regulator and the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
A proposal to create another entity or “quango” to act as a substitute for the role of local authorities in local planning would be absolutely unjustified in this context. – Yours, etc,
(Fine Gael)
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council Offices,
Dún Laoghaire,
Co Dublin.
Sir, – Michael McDowell’s column rightly calls for a revolution in how we do urban development. In the case of Dublin, the answer is already Government policy in the programme for government, the Dublin Taskforce Report. This report was delivered on schedule to the Taoiseach in September 2024. The Taoiseach directed his department to create a cross-government group to report back by the end of December 2024 on how the Taskforce recommendations, which run across Government from policing to health to housing and transport, would be implemented. We await the response. There have been understandable delays around the general election and the Government formation talks, but it is essential that this group now begin implementation.
First it must designate a special purpose vehicle for the inner-city, then appoint an implementation team with a board representative of the key agencies and a strong independent chairperson. Finally it needs to assign a multi-year budget. None of this is for debate as it has been transposed into the programme for government. Delivery is essential for a new Government, especially in the context of a rapidly changing world, and this is a good test of Government efficacy. The policy is agreed: now let’s get on with the implementation. – Yours, etc,
Dublin City Taskforce,
Dublin 1.
Children and disabilities
Sir, – Irish special schools do not offer the same chances to our young people with intellectual disabilities that they offer to their same age and typically developing peers, even if they are “lucky” enough to secure a place. They get one full year less in school (no transition year) and no choice in the matter.
Families of children with additional needs are forced to give up their anonymity to protest at the lack of places for services for their children in these discriminatory institutions.
Children with disabilities are used as photo-opportunities by politicians for promised money that never materialises.
Small children and their families cannot access vital assessment and therapies at an early intervention stage to support them and promote their independence and reliance on a creaking system.
Anyone notice a pattern?
People with intellectual disability are the most marginalised and discriminated group of people in the country at all ages and stages of their lives.
Can anyone hear their voices?
No, it seems not. – Yours, etc,
Dublin 3.
Sir, – When Simon Harris met Charlotte Fallon in Kanturk in Co Cork last November during the general election campaign, the tetchy response of the then-taoiseach to the disability workers’ concerns for workers’ pay and disabled people catapulted the issue of disability rights to the heart of the political agenda.
What has happened since then? Ostensibly the programme for government delineates that there will be a step-change in disability supports and services.
It goes on to say that there will be a new unit established by the Department of the Taoiseach whose purpose will be to focus on disability.
I found it rather bewildering to learn last week that the multimillion euro fund which was announced by the last Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil government just days before the local elections last June has not paid out a single cent (“Not ‘one red cent’ of €8 million HSE disability fund paid out after being promised 17 months ago, Doherty tells Dáil”, News, March 20th).
This Government needs to start putting disability at the forefront of its policymaking. – Yours, etc,
Co Tipperary.
Immigration – time for debate
Sir, – Misinformation and disinformation are distorting Ireland’s immigration debate, fuelling hostility and division, particularly online. This is putting already vulnerable communities at even greater risk.
This conversation is not going away; across the world, we see it being dangerously weaponised for political gain. Ireland should lead with a different approach, seizing the opportunity to change headlines rather than react to them.
A national citizens’ assembly on immigration and social cohesion could provide the mature, informed conversation we need. We have a record of tackling complex social issues through this model.
Perhaps engaging in informed, collective dialogue would not only help us navigate this issue responsibly but also strengthen our democracy for the future. – Is mise,
Dublin 6.
Customers and some free advice
Sir, – I note that Phil Hogan in his consultancy and advisory role has dealt with Vodafone and was paid in the region of €200,000 for such advice and consultation (News, March 26th).
Did that advice, I wonder, suggest to them that a non-robotic human being employed by the company answer the phone when a customer tries to contact them?
I could advise Vodafone to do that for nothing.
It’s called common courtesy and genuine customer care. – Yours, etc,
Carrick on Shannon,
Co Leitrim.
Trump and a long time in politics
A chara, – Paul Reardon reminds us (Letters, March 26th) that there are 1,462 days in a US presidential term. However, I must point out to him that since a broken clock is proverbially correct twice a day, the number of times the administration in question is likely to be right is actually 2,924.
No sign of it happening so far, unfortunately, but we live in hope. – Is mise,
New Zealand.