No experts to inform Abbeylara inquiry

An Oireachtas committee investigating the shooting of Mr John Carthy in Abbeylara last year does not plan to hear evidence from independent experts on policing, firearms or related matters, it has emerged.

The committee chairman, Mr Sean Ardagh TD (FF), said yesterday it had agreed to take evidence from those directly involved in the incident. If further examination was required of issues such as firearms control, that would be for a different inquiry.

Of 59 witnesses listed to give evidence, 35 are gardai, past or present, including Garda Commissioner Pat Byrne.

No expert witnesses have been listed. Nor has the US Federal Bureau of Investigation been asked to testify despite the fact it conducted a report for gardai on the shooting.


Mr Brendan Howlin TD (Lab) said the committee had looked at the FBI report and "it doesn't add very much in terms of the knowledge of the events that happened". As a result, he said, the committee did not see great merit in pursuing it.

Announcing details of the inquiry by the Sub-committee on the Abbeylara Incident yesterday with other committee members, Mr Howlin said its remit was to consider the Garda report into the incident, conducted by Chief Supt Adrian Culligan, and 21 submissions.

The inquiry will be held over three weeks, starting with a preliminary hearing next Tuesday. Mr Ardagh said the committee hoped to pass its report to the Dail before the summer recess.

Mr Donncha O'Connell, director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, said it was "somewhat perplexed" that it had not been asked to address the inquiry given it had made a detailed submission. He also expressed concern that the committee was "not leaving space for a more expansive consideration of wider issues".

The seven members of the committee will next Wednesday visit Abbeylara, Co Longford, where Mr Carthy was shot dead by gardai on April 20th last.

Members of his family have not been automatically granted legal representation at the inquiry but will have to apply in accordance with legislation. Only one day is planned for the cross-examination of witnesses.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column