Uri Geller tells Theresa May he will stop Brexit telepathically

Illusionist urges prime minister to stop Brexit process ‘while she still has a chance’

The Illusionist Uri Geller who is best known for his trademark spoon-bending trick has told Theresa May he will “not allow” her to lead Britain out of the European Union.

Illusionist Uri Geller has told Theresa May he will "not allow" her to lead Britain out of the European Union.

In an open letter to the British prime minister, the Israeli-British TV personality said he felt "psychically and very strongly" that most Britons were anti-Brexit and vowed to stop the process "telepathically".

He wrote: “I feel psychically and very strongly that most British people do not want Brexit.

“I love you very much but I will not allow you to lead Britain into Brexit.


“As much as I admire you, I will stop you telepathically from doing this — and believe me I am capable of executing it.

“Before I take this drastic course of action, I appeal to you to stop the process immediately while you still have a chance.”

Geller, who is currently in Israel, used to live in Sonning, which lies in Mrs May's Maidenhead constituency.

In his letter, he said he had known Mrs May for 21 years and that she had visited his home.

He added: “Three years before you became prime minister, I predicted your victory when I showed you Winston Churchill’s spoon on my Cadillac, which I asked you to touch.”

He also claimed he is using the power of his mind to ensure that "Jeremy Corbyn never gets the keys to Number 10 Downing Street".

“I will ensure that they bend out of all proportion to ensure that he never takes up residence there,” he wrote.

Geller rose to prominence in the 1970s with an act based around his apparent psychic powers and telepathy skills, which were even tested by the CIA.

He is perhaps best known for his trademark spoon-bending trick.

After an extension was agreed by EU leaders on Thursday, the UK is due to leave the union on May 22nd if Mrs May can get MPs to back her withdrawal deal.–PA