‘Nightmare before Xmas’: UK newspapers react to Tory ‘landslide’

Round-up of British front pages following victory for Johnson and calamity for Corbyn

Commuters read newspapers at Stalybridge Train Station after the Conservative Party won a majority in the 2019 UK general election on December 13th, 2019 in Manchester, England. Photograph: Anthony Devlin/Getty Images

The results of the UK general election make it clear that Tory MPs will comprise the many and Labour will be the few in the next parliament. Here is how the British newspapers cover it this morning.

"Labour in meltdown as Johnson seizes majority" – that's the Guardian after a calamitous election result for Jeremy Corbyn. The paper gets into its final edition the Labour leader's speech saying he will not lead the party into the next election – but intends to cling to the helm to oversee a "period of reflection".

The Guardian, December 13th, 2019

“Johnson unleashed” says the i, adding “Brexit in 49 days after Midlands and North tire of delay”.

‘Johnson unleashed’, the front page of i, December 13th, 2019

The Daily Mirror calls the outcome a “Nightmare before Xmas” as it laments the “worst Labour result since 1935”.

The Daily Mirror, December 13th, 2019

“The British lion roars for Boris and Brexit” – the late edition of the Express, which in its earlier editions hailed “Victory for Boris AND for Brexit”.

The Daily Express, December 13th, 2019

“The Dog’s Bollox” says the Sun in early editions, with the X done as the cross on a ballot paper – its final version has “Carrie on Boris” picturing the returned prime minister and his girlfriend.

The Sun, December 13th, 2019

The Times says that “Election poll points to Johnson landslide”.

The Times, December 13th, 2019

In its late edition the Telegraph goes with “Johnson’s historic victory”, dropping the “landslide” headline it ran in earlier versions.

The Daily Telegraph, December 13th, 2019

The Daily Mail in its final edition enthuses that Conservative voters should “Rejoice! Boris surges to landslide win”.

The Daily Mail, December 13th, 2019

“Exit polls point to vindication for Johnson with huge Tory majority” says the Financial Times, which also reports that the SNP is on course to take 55 of 59 Scottish seats.

Financial Times, December 13th, 2019

Finally, the Metro’s 3am edition: “Landslide for Boris”.–Guardian

Metro, December 13th, 2019