Brexit: Northern Ireland and CAP

North to receive €2.5 billion in EU agricultural support between 2014 and 2020

Agriculture is one of Northern Ireland’s most important industries, accounting for an annual turnover of some £4.5 billion.
Agriculture is one of Northern Ireland’s most important industries, accounting for an annual turnover of some £4.5 billion.

The Common Agricultural Policy and Northern Ireland

Agriculture is one of Northern Ireland’s most important industries. The industry accounts for an annual turnover of some £4.5 billion and a workforce of approximately 29,000 people. Northern Ireland is more dependent on the agricultural sector (including the agri-food business) than any other part of the United Kingdom.

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is one of the EU’s most developed and most expensive policies. Spending on CAP accounts for approximately 40 per cent of the entire EU budget and Northern Ireland will receive over €2.5 billion in EU agricultural support between 2014 and 2020.

CAP: Direct Payments (Pillar 1)


2007-2013: €2,231 million

2014-2020: €2,299 million

CAP: Rural Development Programme (Pillar 2)

2007-2013: €329.5 million

2014-2020: €228 million

Northern Ireland fares better in terms of receipts from the CAP than other UK regions receiving almost 10 per cent of the entire UK CAP allocation.

Percentage share of pillar 1 funding

England: 65.5

Northern Ireland: 9.2

Scotland: 16.3

Wales: 8.96

Percentage share of pillar 2 funding

England: 58.9

Northern Ireland 8.8

Scotland: 18.5

Wales: 13.7