Dutch police break up anti-lockdown protest ahead of election

Security forces act after demonstrators flout coronavirus distancing rules, ignore warnings

Dutch riot police disperse a demonstration protesting at government policies, including the curfew, lockdown and coronavirus-related restrictions in The Hague. Photograph: AP

Dutch riot police used water cannon and batons on Sunday to disperse a crowd of several thousand anti-lockdown protesters gathered in the centre of The Hague a day before national elections.

Police took action after the protesters flouted social distancing rules, ignored warnings to disperse and threw fireworks and other objects at the police.

Police said they had detained 20 people and that two demonstrators had been injured by police dogs after refusing to leave.

A warning shot was fired by police when protesters kicked a police dog and threatened the dog’s handler during an arrest, said police.


Dutch authorities had stopped train services to the city, the seat of government, to prevent more protesters arriving.

A man dressed as the Grim Reaper takes part in a demonstration against the government and anti-covid measures at Malieveld in The Hague on Sunday, March 14th, 2021. Photograph: Getty
Dutch anti-riot police officers restrain a protester during a demonstration at Malieveld in The Hague. Photograph: Getty
A Dutch anti-riot police officer in a stand-off with a protester. Photograph: Getty
People gather under the rain during a demonstration against the government and anti-Covid-19 measures at Malieveld in The Hague. Photograph: Getty

Many in the crowd, gathered at the central Maliveld field in the city, were holding yellow umbrellas in a show of opposition and chanted, “Love! Freedom! Stop dictatorship!”

The Netherlands has been under a tough lockdown since late January with gatherings of more than two people banned, restaurants and bars shut and with the first night-time curfew since the second World War.

Voting in the national election will start on Monday, with polls open for three days to help to ensure social distancing at polling stations. Prime minister Mark Rutte’s conservative VVD Party looks set to get a another four-year mandate after being in power since 2010.

A majority of voters reluctantly support the lockdown, given the Netherlands’ coronavirus infection rate which is towards the high end of Europe’s range. But the curfew, which has been extended until the end of March, prompted several days of rioting countrywide when it was first imposed on January 23rd.

The country of 17 million has registered more than 1.1 million Covid-19 cases and in excess of 16,000 deaths in the pandemic. – Reuters