Saudi Arabia to punish men for converting woman to Christianity, reports newspaper

A Lebanese man was sentenced to six years in prison and 300 lashes for converting the woman

Muslim women pray in the courtyard of the Prophet Mohammed Mosque in the Saudi holy city of Medina . Photograph: Getty
Muslim women pray in the courtyard of the Prophet Mohammed Mosque in the Saudi holy city of Medina . Photograph: Getty

A court in Saudi Arabia has sentenced two men to lashes and prison terms for converting a woman to Christianity and helping her flee the conservative Islamic kingdom, the Saudi Gazette reported yesterday.

A Lebanese man was sentenced to six years in prison and 300 lashes for converting the woman, while a Saudi man was sentenced to two years and 200 lashes for aiding her escape abroad, the English-language daily said.

It added that the pair had challenged the verdict and would appeal.

A spokesman at the justice ministry could not immediately be reached for comment.


In Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, it is against the law for Muslims to abandon their faith, a practice known as apostasy.

Proselytising for other religions or practising them openly is also illegal.

Judges have considerable leeway in how to interpret the kingdom’s Sharia code of Islamic law and are not bound by sentencing guidelines or a system of precedent. Both capital and corporal punishment are legal.

The case emerged last year after the woman's family claimed she had been "brainwashed" by colleagues at the insurance company where she worked and that they had helped her leave Saudi Arabia via Bahrain on false documents.

The woman, whose name has not been released, was granted asylum in Sweden last year, the newspaper reported. – (Reuters)