North Korea may suspend nuclear talks with ‘gangster-like’ US

Diplomat says Washington threw away a golden opportunity at Hanoi summit last month

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo in Washington on Friday. North Korea’s vice-foreign minister has blamed top US officials including Mr Pompeo for the breakdown of last month’s summit between Kim Jong-un and Donald Trump. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA

North Korea is considering suspending talks with the United States and may rethink a ban on missile and nuclear tests unless Washington makes concessions, a senior diplomat said on Friday, according to news reports from North Korea's capital.

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo said in Washington the United States wished to continue talks with North Korea and had "every expectation" that its leader, Kim Jong-un, would stick to pledges not to resume nuclear and missile testing.

North Korean vice-foreign minister Choe Son Hui blamed top US officials for the breakdown of last month's summit in Hanoi between Mr Kim and US president Donald Trump, Russia's Tass news agency and the Associated Press reported.

“We have no intention to yield to the US demands [at the Hanoi summit] in any form, nor are we willing to engage in negotiations of this kind,” Tass quoted Ms Choe as telling reporters in the North Korean capital.


‘Hostility and mistrust’

Ms Choe said Mr Pompeo and national security adviser John Bolton "created the atmosphere of hostility and mistrust and, therefore, obstructed the constructive effort for negotiations between the supreme leaders of North Korea and the United States", Tass quoted Ms Choe as saying.

Mr Kim is set to make an official announcement soon on his position on the denuclearisation talks with the United States and the North’s further actions, Tass added, citing Ms Choe.

Ms Choe said Washington threw away a golden opportunity at the summit and warned that Ms Kim might rethink a moratorium on missile launches and nuclear tests, the AP reported.

“I want to make it clear that the gangster-like stand of the US will eventually put the situation in danger,” AP quoted Ms Choe as saying.

‘Mysteriously wonderful’

But, she added: “Personal relations between the two supreme leaders are still good and the chemistry is mysteriously wonderful.”

Mr Bolton told reporters outside the White House that he had seen the statement from the North Korean official and that "I think that's inaccurate." He said he had spoken to his South Korean counterpart but wanted to consult with other US officials before responding further.

Mr Pompeo told reporters it was not the first time he had been called “gangster-like” by North Korea. “And following that we continued to have very professional conversations . . . I have every expectation we will be able to continue to do that,” he said.

Mr Pompeo said he had seen Ms Choe’s remarks, and she had left open the possibility that negotiations would continue.

“It’s the administration’s desire that we continue to have conversations around this,” Mr Pompeo said. “As the president said when he was in Hanoi, the offer that they made simply didn’t rise to the level that was acceptable, given what they were asking for in exchange.”

Missile testing

Mr Kim had committed multiple times to Mr Trump in Hanoi that he would not to resume nuclear or missile testing, Mr Pompeo said. “That’s Chairman Kim’s word. We have every expectation he will live up to that commitment.”

South Korea, which has an ambitious agenda of engagement with North Korea that is dependent on Pyongyang and Washington resolving at least some of their differences, said it was too early to tell what Ms Choe's comments might mean.

“We cannot judge the current situation based solely on vice-minister Choe Son Hui’s statements. We are watching the situation closely. In any situation, our government will endeavour for the restart of North Korea-US negotiations,” South Korea’s presidential Blue House said in a statement.

Ms Choe's comments echoed the North's usual rhetoric at tense points in its dealings with Washington. North Korea expert Joshua Pollack said North Korea may be delivering an ultimatum.

‘A marker’

"They're putting down a marker, saying which way things are headed if nothing changes," Mr Pollack, of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, California, said.

The second Trump-Kim summit broke down over differences about US demands for Pyongyang to denuclearise and North Korea’s demand for dramatic relief from international sanctions imposed for its nuclear and missile tests, which it pursued for years in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions. – Reuters