World Airways abandons use of Shannon

A major carrier of military personnel through Shannon Airport confirmed it will use now use Frankfurt airport for refueling stops…

A major carrier of military personnel through Shannon Airport confirmed it will use now use Frankfurt airport for refueling stops.

Aer Rianta was told of World Airway's decision yesterday. The move followed an earlier decision by the carrier to reroute 17 flights to Frankfurt.

The move will result in a loss of more than €3 million to the Irish economy.

According to the airline the decision was taken to improve operating efficiencies. World Airways has technical and maintenance based in Frankfurt, which, the airline claims, are under-utilised.


In a statement today, Aer Rianta said: "World Airways stressed that the security situation at Shannon had not been a factor in its decision".

World Airways is the second-largest carrier of US military-related personnel and material after American Transair.

Aer Rianta said military flights from all nations generated up to €9 million last year. The airport operator said the volume of American Transair flights using Shannon remained constant.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times