Women's Aid seeks donations to save helpline

DOMESTIC ABUSE charity Women’s Aid has written to supporters asking them for donations of up to €10,000 each in a bid to keep…

DOMESTIC ABUSE charity Women’s Aid has written to supporters asking them for donations of up to €10,000 each in a bid to keep its helpline operating.

The charity has said it is facing a serious financial crisis.

Women’s Aid has written to more than 1,000 regular donors asking them to help make up an anticipated shortfall of €65,000 in funding for its national freephone helpline service.

Government cutbacks and reductions in donations have put services provided by the charity in crisis, according to its director, Margaret Martin.


The Women’s Aid freephone helpline took 12,000 calls in 2007 and is viewed by the charity as vital in providing support for women and in helping them to access other services.

On average, calls cost €5 and last 20 minutes.

The charity also provides one-to-one support, outreach services, court accompaniment, advocacy work and other back-up support for women. It provides training for health professionals, emergency staff and gardaí. The overall cost of running the charity is €1.8 million.

Government funds, which cover 60 per cent of the charity’s costs, were cut by some 10 per cent this year and donations have also fallen.

Ms Martin said one large fund-raiser, involving a trip to the Sinai Desert, had to be cancelled because the charity could not attract a sufficient number of participants.

“It is a huge, ongoing struggle. Government funding is shrinking and our funding from donors is withering on the vine,” she said.

“We are hoping this new appeal will help.”

She said the charity was hoping that one person, out of the 1,000- plus people asked to donate €10,000, might be in a position to give it. “We know how important our helpline is to women and we must keep it operating,” she said.

The freephone helpline number is 1800 341 900.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist