Villagers, Electric Arena

Villagers, Electric Arena: Often, the addition of unknown songs into a festival setlist spells one thing: disaster.

Villagers, Electric Arena: Often, the addition of unknown songs into a festival setlist spells one thing: disaster.

Just as well, then, that pretty much every new tune that Conor O'Brien's Villagers disclose tonight is stamped with a seal of quality.

An uncharacteristically patient audience nod along to the swinging sixties vibe of Judgement Call, serenely absorb the acoustic flourish of The Bell and tap feet to the electronic undertones of The Waves.

They're rewarded by a smattering from of tunes from Becoming a Jackal, and even though the sound of 8,000 voices singing the dreamy refrain of its title track is a real heart-sweller, it's the memory – and the anticipation – of the new material that resonates the loudest. We can't wait for that new album.


Verdict: ****

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy

Lauren Murphy is a freelance journalist and broadcaster. She writes about music and the arts for The Irish Times