UCD head to meet staff amid concerns over debt

THE president of University College Dublin (UCD), Dr Hugh Brady, has called staff to a special meeting tomorrow amid growing …

THE president of University College Dublin (UCD), Dr Hugh Brady, has called staff to a special meeting tomorrow amid growing concerns about the college’s rising debt levels. But college sources stress there is no question of job losses among the 3,500 staff.

Last year, UCD posted a record debt of more than €13 million. In an e-mail to staff yesterday, Dr Brady refers to the “unsustainable position” in which the college now finds itself.

University College Cork president Dr Michael Murphy also plans to meet staff shortly to brief them on the growing financial crisis at the college. After years of expansion, UCC is thought to be the most heavily indebted Irish college.

Dr Brady says he wants to meet UCD staff “to update you on the financial situation affecting the higher education sector and the university and how we propose to work together to alleviate the unsustainable situation we find ourselves in”. The meeting will take place in the O’Reilly Hall at lunchtime tomorrow.


Yesterday a meeting of the UCD governing authority opened discussions on a new strategic plan for the college. Dr Brady said the university must be seen to play a central and distinct role in the drive towards economic recovery.

All seven universities face a tightening financial situation. In recent months, the group which represents them – the Irish Universities Association – says that the net State contribution to the colleges has declined by over 30 per cent in real terms in the past decade. The colleges hope the return of fees will boost income.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times