Twelve pubs face action for not showing prices

Twelve pubs face prosecution in the New Year for failing to display their prices as required under the Retail Price Display Order…

Twelve pubs face prosecution in the New Year for failing to display their prices as required under the Retail Price Display Order.

The prosecutions follow a survey to assess compliance with the order carried out by inspectors from the Office of the Director of Consumer Affairs.

Consumer Affairs director Ms Carmel Foley said she was considering the position of a number of other pubs who also failed to comply.

The survey found that out of 189 pubs (110 in Dublin), 50 had not complied with the order, with half the offenders located in the capital.


The order requires pubs to provide two separate price lists for the customer. A 16-item list must be  placed immediately inside or outside each entrance and a comprehensive list within each drinking area of the pub.

Ms Foley also warned consumers to be vigilant of higher prices for drink at Christmas parties and functions.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times