Students in professional families get best grades

STUDENTS FROM farming, professional and employer- manager backgrounds achieve the best grades in the Leaving Cert, a new study…

STUDENTS FROM farming, professional and employer- manager backgrounds achieve the best grades in the Leaving Cert, a new study has shown.

Sixty per cent of those from a professional background score four or more higher level honours in the exam, six times the rate achieved by those from an unemployed background.

The study, by the Economic and Social Research Institute, also confirms that students taking Transition Year are more likely to achieve strong Leaving Cert results. But the report also reveals that those from better-off backgrounds are more likely to opt for transition year.

The latest ESRI School Leavers’ Survey tracks those who left school in the academic year in 2005.


The report recommends the continued targeting of resources towards combating early school leaving and educational under-achievement.

In terms of Leaving Cert results, close to 40 per cent of those from farming or employer-manager backgrounds achieved four or more honours, well above the national average.

Dr Delma Byrne (ESRI), co-author of the report, said: “Young adults continue to be the group with the highest risk of unemployment and their unemployment rate has increased further since the time of the survey. Adequate preparation, in terms of educational and vocational qualifications, will be more important than ever.”

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times