State's new Papal Nuncio arrives in Dublin

The State's new Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, arrived in Ireland last night to take up his appointment.

The State's new Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Giuseppe Lazzarotto, arrived in Ireland last night to take up his appointment.

Archbishop Lazzarotto (58) succeeds Dr Luciano Storero who was the Pope's representative in Ireland from 1996 until his death last October after a long illness.

The new Papal Nuncio is from Carpane in Italy. He was ordained a priest in 1967 and then studied diplomacy and Canon Law in Rome. After entering the diplomatic service of the Holy See in 1971, he served in Zambia and Malawi, Belgium, Cuba and Jerusalem. He was appointed Papal Nuncio to Jordan and Iraq in 1994.

Among those who welcomed him at Dublin Airport were the Catholic Primate, Dr Sean Brady, the Archbishop of Dublin, Dr Desmond Connell and Mgr Anselmo Guido Percorari, the charge d'affaires of the Apostolic Nunciature.


The Papal Nuncio will present his credential letters to the President, Mrs McAleese, at Aras an Uachtarain tomorrow.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times