Staff at New York consulate increased

The workforce at the Irish Consulate in New York has been substantially increased this evening as extra officials fly in to compliment…

The workforce at the Irish Consulate in New York has been substantially increased this evening as extra officials fly in to compliment the New York staff working around the clock to assist distressed families.

Following Tuesday's attacks, five Department of Foreign Affairs officials are on their way to New York to join the 15 who are currently working there around the clock.

A spokesman for the Irish Consulate told ireland.comthat no further details about the nearly 20 people feared missing has been received today.

The latest figures from the search of the site of the destroyed World Trade Center towers was 184 confirmed dead - 90 of whom have been identified. Eighteen of the dead are fire-fighters and a further 300 of their colleagues are still missing.


The US authorities say 13,000 tonnes of rubble have been removed from the site which is between 1 and 2 per cent of the total.

To date three Irish citizens and an Irish-American priest have been confirmed dead.

The consulate spokesmen added that staff were also assisting relatives who have travelled of those feared missing.

Aer Lingus began a limited schedule of flights to the US today, with priority being given to "compassionate cases".

The Department of Foreign Affairs repeated its call for families to notify them as soon as they hear from their relatives.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times