Speed dating in Irish at Gay Pride festival

Galway's Gay Pride festival opened last night with speed-dating in Irish and a disco at Leisureland.

Galway's Gay Pride festival opened last night with speed-dating in Irish and a disco at Leisureland.

The speed-dating was hosted by Conradh na Gaeilge in Club Árus na nGael.

The highlight of the Bród festival, today's parade, will start at Woodquay at 1pm.

The theme of the parade is carnival. In addition to Galway's own drag queens, it will feature the Shamcocks, a group of drag kings from Dublin.


Tomorrow morning a cruise on the Corrib will leave Woodquay at 10am.

The finale will take place in the evening at Boo Radley's, Eyre Square.

Garda gay liaison officer for the west, Sgt Gerard Mangan, said there were very few cases of "gay-bashing" reported in Galway.

However, he said, some victims may be embarrassed about reporting attacks. He stressed there were gay liaison officers in Galway, Dublin, Cork, Limerick, Kilkenny, Waterford, Dundalk and Athlone whom they could talk to.

"If there are people being attacked in Galway, we certainly do not know about it and we want to let them know that we are here if they need to talk to us. Galway is a fairly accommodating city, so we don't see it much. It's a huge melting pot for all cultures which is great."

Festival organiser Francis Conneely believes Galway is one of the most accepting cities in Ireland when it comes to the gay community, but he warned that no reports of "gaybashing" did not mean it wasn't happening.

He urged victims to contact the Garda.

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health and family