Go Kids

BERNICE HARRISON on alternatives to movies and the mall

BERNICE HARRISONon alternatives to movies and the mall

Every year the professional body that represents Ireland’s engineers puts on a week of activities to show children, in the most exciting ways possible (right), the huge variety of jobs that engineers do. The profession hasn’t the most attractive image, but that’s because most of us don’t have a clue what’s involved.

The week starts on Monday, with schools booked into a slew of hands-on interactive events; then, next Saturday is given over to family days around the country. Booking is essential, as these free events fill up fast.

Top choices include two workshops in Westmeath where children build their own rocket. Soldiers will supervise their construction at Custume Barracks, in Athlone, then help launch them.


Then, at Kylemore Abbey, in Co Galway, children can discover how the abbey made green power from a hydro- electric generator in the 1890s and find out how bananas and grapes were grown in its walled garden from the 1870s using an ingenious heating system. They’ll also make mini wind and water turbines to bring home.

Kids who take part in any event can enter a draw to visit the European Space Agency.
