BT Young Scientist exhibition: Category winners

All the winners in each section of 2016 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition

Shay Walsh, managing director BT Ireland (left) and Minister for Education Richard Bruton (right), with Matthew Blakeney and Mark McDermott of the Jesus & Mary Secondary School, Sligo, runners-up at the BT Young Scientist & Technologist of the Year 2017 with their project Flint on the Moy? Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

The winners in each category of the 2016 BT Young Scientist and Technology Exhibition have been announced.

1st place Junior group Kinsale Community School, Impact of sound pitch on the biological gustatory perception mechanism, a quantitative comparative study between adults and children.

Biological and Ecological Junior Group Caoimhe Lynch , Sylvie Plant

2nd place Junior group Loreto College - Foxrock, Does Simulating a Lack of Binocular Vision Have An Impact on performance?


Biological and Ecological Junior Group, Jessica Oakley O’Kelly, Margot Moore, Jennifer Leavy

3rd place Junior group St Mary's Diocesan School, 40 Licks ( trying to determine if being weaned onto certain foods as a baby can effect your development into a super-taster) Biological and Ecological Junior Group Seb Lennon Calum Agnew

1st place Junior individual Christ King Girls Secondary School, An investigation on whether cereal is a healthy breakfast option for Children Biological and Ecological Junior Individual Romy Kolich

2nd place Junior individual Bandon Grammar School, A novel approach to growing Nannochloropsis in a controlled environment and it's subsequent ability to produce oil Biological and Ecological Junior Individual Gregory Tarr

3rd place Junior individual Sandford Park School Ltd, Time as a variable in bread production Biological and Ecological Junior Individual Oscar Despard

1st place intermediate group Loreto Secondary School - Balbriggan, Does consuming certain varieties of potatoes as a staple food in a diet, increase blood glucose levels & chance of high blood pressure and diabetes in a sample of Rush residents Biological and Ecological Intermediate Group Sophie Weldon Laura Weldon Emma Kleiser Byrne

2nd place intermediate group Tullamore College , Investigating The Difference In Bacterial Contamination When Handling and Using a Device to Insert Contact Lenses Biological and Ecological Intermediate Group Lucy Leonard Michele Mann

3rd place intermediate Group Avondale Community College, Biodegradable plastic pots to minimise the effects of transplant shock. Biological and Ecological Intermediate Group Ayyub Azmat Niall Gaffeny Christopher Makin

1st place intermediate individual Ardscoil Ris 'To Bee or not to Bee': Investigating solutions to falling bee populations using a multifaceted problem solving approach. Biological and Ecological Intermediate Individual David Hamilton

2nd place intermediate individual Colaiste Choilm, Investigating the use of natural plants oils and extracts as an antiproliferative cancer agents. Biological and Ecological Intermediate Individual Aivan Jose

3rd place intermediate individual Bandon Grammar School, A comparison of foot biomechanics in sport playing and non-sport playing teens Biological and Ecological Intermediate Individual Alex O' Connor

1st place Senior group Midleton College , Foal sickness containment and prevention Biological and Ecological Senior Group Cathal Mariga George Hennessy

2nd place Senior group Loreto Secondary School - Balbriggan, To investigate whether contrast sensitivity can be improved from regular exposure to action video games and the impact on everyday tasks on a teenager with myopia Biological and Ecological Senior Group Chloe Tap Dagmara Dobkowska

3rd place Senior group St Joseph's Secondary School, Stimulating plant growth using electricity Biological and Ecological Senior Group Niamh McHugh Vitalija Janusonyte

1st place Senior individual Our Ladys College - Drogheda, The Antimicrobial Potential of Tree Bark Extracts Biological and Ecological Senior Individual Niamh Ann Kelly

2nd place Senior individual Coláiste Choilm, An Investigation into the Application of Symsagittera roscoffensis & it's symbiont Tetraselmis convolutae in Neurobiology and Biotechnology. Biological and Ecological Senior Individual Con Moran

3rd place Senior individual Scoil Mhuire Strokestown , An investigation into the quality of effluent discharging domestic waste water treatment systems (septic tanks) and an apparatus to improve this. Biological and Ecological Senior Individual Abbie Moloney

1st place Junior group Synge Street CBS, Generalisations of Feynman's Triangle Theorem Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Junior Group Carl Jones Keiron O'Neill

2nd place Junior group Synge Street CBS, New Conjectures Concerning the Partition Function Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Junior Group Talha Moktar Abdulrhman Abouryana

3rd place Junior group Sutton Park School, The design and testing of a safe drinking water system for developing countries Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Junior Group Xiangyu Carbon Mallol Méabh Scahill

1st place Junior individual Mary Immaculate Secondary School - Lisdoonvarna, Could rushes be used as a fuel? Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Junior Individual Dylan Egan

2nd place Junior individual Adamstown Community College, Go Bananas! Using Banana Peel for Eco-Friendly and Low-Cost Nylon Production Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Junior Individual Haritha Olaganathan

3rd place Junior individual St Mary's Secondary School - Mallow, Assessment and evaluation of the production and combustion of fuel pellets made from waste coffee grounds; Impact on waste minimisation in Ireland? Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Junior Individual Emily Murphy

1st place intermediate group Synge Street CBS, Proving New Theorems Using Barycentric Coordinates Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Intermediate Group Benedek Goz Gleb Kurilenko

2nd place intermediate group St Mary's Secondary School - Mallow, Uptake, accumulation and transfer of Alpha Radioactivity by five common food crops grown in selected Cork soils, some amended with Phosphate Fertiliser; impact for human health Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Intermediate Group Shauna Murphy Caoimhe Cronin

3rd place intermediate Group Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Blarney, A Comparative Study of Willow and Other Woods for the Purpose of Ascertaining the Best Properties for the Manufacture of Cricket Bats Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Intermediate Group Seanán Jones Jordan Keohane Callum Higgins

1st place intermediate individual Schull Community College, Comparing antioxidant levels of berries grown under different conditions using the Briggs Rauscher reaction in conjunction with a photometer. Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Intermediate Individual Fionn Ferreira

2nd place intermediate individual Ballyclare High School, Augmented Reality Sudoku Solver Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Intermediate Individual Alexander Baine

3rd place intermediate individual Coláiste Muire - Crosshaven, Modelling the Mathematics of the Cork Accent Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Intermediate Individual Andrew Nash

1st place Senior group Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh, Epidemic Models for Secondary Schools Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Senior Group Dylan Morley Conor McKeown Nathaniel Grant

2nd place Senior group Scariff Community College, An Application of Finite Element Analysis Techniques to Study How The Geometry of Common Sports Bats Affects The Performance of The Bat Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Senior Group Danny Hynes Aaron O Brien Ciaran Hickey

1st place Senior individual Loreto College Coleraine, Bead Fountains Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Senior Individual Emmett Brolly

2nd place Senior individual Coláiste Phádraig - Lucan, P-Adic Numbers: A Method for Determining Pythagorean Triplets Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Senior Individual Dáire Byrne

3rd place Senior individual Sligo Grammar School, To produce a filter incorporated with Graphene and to use this filter to purify contaminated water Chemical, Physical & Mathematical Sciences Senior Individual Paddy Bird

1st place Junior group Colaiste Treasa, Fresh air, Friend or Foe? The development of an app to combat rural seclusion among the Irish farming community . Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Group Maeve O'Connor Aoidhe Sheill

2nd place Junior group Scoil Chaitriona, Think Fast: Analysing the visual reaction times of GAA athletes versus non GAA athletes Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Group Aisling Ní Dhonnabháin Meadhbh Ní Cheallacháin Aoife Nic an Tuile

3rd place Junior group Eureka Secondary School, Do You See What I See: A Investigation into Optical Illusions and How They Can Be Applied in Everyday Life Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Group Ruth Smyth Katie Conachy April Burke

1st place Junior individual Kinsale Community School, Intelligent Transport Management Systems Have Arrived; is Human Behaviour Now the Limiting Factor to the Minimisation of Phantom Traffic Jams? Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Individual Mia Casey

2nd placeJunior individual Colaiste Treasa, A statistical analysis of asthma awareness in Ireland. Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Individual Isobel Hynes

3rd place Junior individual Kinsale Community School, A Statistical Evaluation to Understand how Beliefs, Lifestyle Factors and Sensory Perceptions influence the consumption of Tap and Bottled Water Social and Behavioural Sciences Junior Individual Shane Collins

1st place intermediate group Loreto Secondary School - Kilkenny, An intervention to investigate if increased education on the topic of Osteoporosis and the importance of Dairy will increase Calcium and Vitamin D intake in Teenage Girls Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate Group Ella Brennan Jessie Oyenuga

2nd place intermediate group Scoil Mhuire gan Smál - Blarney , Does science practical work, work Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate Group Triona Twomey Jennifer Rea Sarah Bannon

3rd place intermediate Group The Abbey School, Effects of non-selection for physical activities on adolescents' mental health. Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate Group Tadhg Carew Jack Quirke

1st place intermediate individual Kinsale Community School, Not What the Doctor Ordered: A statistical study investigating whether Cost is the main incentive for self-medication. Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate Individual Jennifer McCarthy

2nd place intermediate individual Patrician High School - Carrickmacross, Analysis of responses to different types of anti-smoking campaign messages among 10 to 17 year olds Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate Individual Oisín Gartlan

3rd place intermediate individual Colaiste Treasa, Infantilisation of Youth: A study of the association between infantilisation of teenagers and mental well-being in later life. Social and Behavioural Sciences Intermediate Individual Conleth Aspel

1st place Senior group Our Lady's Bower Getting Out and About - The Free Travel Scheme and Older People Social and Behavioural Sciences Senior Group Maeve McMahon Julie Ryan

2nd place Senior group Coláiste Muire - Crosshaven, The Power of Proximity Social and Behavioural Sciences Senior Group Laura Cotter Kate Cronin

3rd place Senior group Ringsend College, Self-Diagnostic Tool Social and Behavioural Sciences Senior Group Toni Mockler Nicole Meir Kyle Graham

1st place Senior individual Gaelcholáiste an Eachréidh, MiContact Social and Behavioural Sciences Senior Individual Ciara-Beth Ní Ghríofa

2nd place Senior individual Lanesboro Community College, We remember 95% of what we teach: Peer tutoring in TY Social and Behavioural Sciences Senior Individual Brian Lyons

3rd place Senior individual St Clare's Comprehensive School, A Study Of How Student's attendance at school affect their overall grades Social and Behavioural Sciences Senior Individual John Keaney

1st place Junior group Portumna Community School, Conglaturation! You have completed an Arcade Cabinet! Technology Junior Group Gavin McGinley Roy Flaherty

2nd place Junior group Coláiste Bhaile Chláir Smart Plug Technology Junior Group Finn Regan Emmet O Shea Michael Moroney

3rd place Junior group Athlone Community College, To determine the technical feasibility of using machine learning technology to predict when a mobile phone or charger may explode. Technology Junior Group Amy Fallon Andrea Whyte

1st place Junior individual Ardscoil Ris, A referee wrist band that will connect all referees and will cause better and quicker decisions to be made Technology Junior Individual Niall Meade

2nd place Junior individual Sandford Park School Ltd , Cyberstick Technology Junior Individual Finbar Giusti

3rd place Junior individual Castletroy College, Intelligent Traffic Light Sensor Technology Junior Individual Liam O'Mara

1st place intermediate group Coláiste Bhaile Chláir , The Hox Project - Using RFID technology to advance medicine Technology Intermediate Group Alaidh Fox Deirdre Hughes

2nd place intermediate group Ardscoil Ris, Investock: Developing a simulated Trading Platform, Stock Market Index & Educational Resource to enhance 2nd level students' financial literacy in an appealing & interactive manner Technology Intermediate Group Domhnall Coffey Dara O'Brien Ronan Randles

3rd place intermediate Group St Joseph's College, Unlicensed to Kill Technology Intermediate Group Liam Ryan David Moran

1st place intermediate individual St Andrew's College , Developing a Smart Water Meter Technology Intermediate Individual Aaron Speer

2nd place intermediate individual Loreto Secondary School - Navan , Investigating an Improved Method to Help Visually Impaired People Identify Euro Notes Technology Intermediate Individual Eleanor Murchan

3rd place intermediate individual Mary Immaculate Secondary School - Lisdoonvarna, Saoránach Technology Intermediate Individual Jessica Kelly

1st place Senior group Coláiste Éinde, A unique approach to biomimicry in bipedal locomotion Technology Senior Group Kevin McAndrew Nico Amaya

2nd place Senior group Luttrellstown Community College, LifeStats Technology Senior Group Akhil Voorakkara Steven Harris Jack Lane

3rd place Senior group Jesus & Mary Secondary School , Make a Mark-Sheep Marking Gun Technology Senior Group Sarah Murphy Mary Murphy

1st place Senior individual St Declan's College, Li-Pi Technology Senior Individual Stephen Cushen

2nd place Senior individual St Joseph's College, Using Deep Neural Networks to find offensive text and use this to help combat online harassment Technology Senior Individual John Ryan

3rd place Senior individual Coláiste An Spioraid Naoimh, PizzaBot Reheated: Using Random Generation to Create an Infinite Game Technology Senior Individual Harry Moran