Robinson transfers give DUP second seat to match UUP

Belfast East: The Democratic Unionist Party won two seats in the East Belfast constituency, following the party's deputy leader…

Belfast East: The Democratic Unionist Party won two seats in the East Belfast constituency, following the party's deputy leader, Mr Peter Robinson's first count success.

His transfers brought home one of his two running mates, Mr Robin Newton, though DUP hopes that their third candidate, Mr Harry Toan could win were eventually dashed.

Ulster Unionist figure, Mr Reg Empey was elected with 6,459 first preferences - and his transfers were critical in bringing home the UUP's second candidate, Mr Michael Copeland.

Progressive Unionist Party leader, Mr David Ervine will be his party's sole representative to the new Assembly following the defeat in North Belfast of Mr Billy Hutchinson.


Alliance Party candidate, Ms Naomi Long, who struggled through the early counts, scored heavily once SDLP and SF transfers were distributed. The Alliance's share of the first preference vote was badly down. In 1998, Dr John Alderdice, who later became Speaker of the NI Assembly, attracted 6,144 first preferences.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times