Retailers urged to facilitate disabled

Retailers and service providers are losing a "significant and very important market" because they do not cater for people with…

Retailers and service providers are losing a "significant and very important market" because they do not cater for people with disabilities, the Equality Authority said yesterday.

Up to 370,000 people have some form of disability. However, problems in accessing buildings, poor lighting and signage, and negative attitudes towards customers, mean that many people with disabilities never enter certain shops.

"People are definitely losing customers because of the lack of reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities," said Mr Niall Crowley, Equality Authority chief executive.

The Equality Authority and the European Year of People with Disabilities launched a new campaign yesterday, encouraging businesses to accommodate the needs of all customers. The first advertisement gives three examples of how to facilitate customers.


Install automatic doors to make life easier for people with mobility impairments.

Move to a brighter area to accommodate someone who is lip-reading.

Provide information in large print, on audio tape and/or computer disk or CD to help people with visual impairments.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times