Rabbitte wants science to fight drug war

THE European science community could help in the fight against illegal drugs, according to the Minister of State for Technology…

THE European science community could help in the fight against illegal drugs, according to the Minister of State for Technology, Mr Pat Rabbitte.

At a dinner in Dublin last night for the European Science and Technology Assembly (ESTA), Mr Rabbitte said he was preparing a discussion paper on the drugs issue for EU research ministers.

It would "seek to get EU research ministers to recognise the possibility that science and technology can make a contribution to the drugs issue."

Mr Rabbitte said he hoped to have a Council decision on the paper during the Irish presidency.


The ESTA bureau two day conference finishes today. Mr Rabbitte thanked Prof Dervilla Donnelly, vice president of the bureau, "who was instrumental in bringing the group to Ireland."

He said the Irish presidency would seek to make key decisions on the future of the EU's research programmes.

"The programme offers, at Irish level, researchers and industry excellent opportunities to engage in basic and applied research, and to co-operate in developing leading edge technologies."

Mr Rabbitte said he understood from Monday's Council Research Group meeting that the Commission was preparing proposals on future funding.

This followed the failure to agree funding at the recent heads of government meeting in Florence.

He said one of the initiatives of the Irish Presidency would be to maximise the benefits of research projects to small businesses.

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary, a contributor to The Irish Times, is a founder of Pocket Forests