Rabbitte accused of 'cowardice'

Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte has been accused by Sinn Féin TD Peadar Tóibín of “political cowardice and an effort…

Minister for Communications Pat Rabbitte has been accused by Sinn Féin TD Peadar Tóibín of “political cowardice and an effort to close down debate”.

This followed an interview with The Irish Times where Mr Rabbitte said there was “no alternative” in Leinster House to the current government and dismissed Sinn Féin as “entirely opportunist”.

In the interview he said: "Fianna Fáil has no credibility on the economy. The technical group are really for theatre and fun, rather than solutions and Sinn Féin is entirely opportunist."

In a further swipe at Labour's arch-rivals, he said the republicans "have developed a calculated strategy that they think is good for Sinn Féin, but does nothing to provide solutions for the country".

Sinn Féin this afternoon reacted angrily to Mr Rabbitte's comments.


“To claim that there is no alternative is the mark of political cowardice and an effort to close down debate,” Mr Tóibín, who is Sinn Féin spokesman on Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, said in a statement.

“There are clear alternatives, that have been implemented successfully in other countries. The government needs to prioritise the functioning of the real economy over toxic debt.

“As long as bondholders are prioritised over productivity, competitiveness and jobs, the economic slide will continue.

“The policies of Labour in government are failing; we have increased unemployment, increased long term unemployment, increased emigration, continuing high rates of business closures.”

He added: “Sinn Féin is providing a clear alternative throughout Ireland, an alternative that has been costed by the Department of Finance.

“We share the view of economic Nobel laureates that a significant counter-cyclical economic stimulus is needed to jolt Ireland out of its downward spiral,” Mr Tóibín said.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper