Pubs to serve high visibility jackets

HIGH-VISIBILITY jackets are to be circulated among rural pubs in a bid to reduce the numbers of pedestrians and cyclists being…

HIGH-VISIBILITY jackets are to be circulated among rural pubs in a bid to reduce the numbers of pedestrians and cyclists being killed on Irish roads.

Pedestrians are the second most vulnerable group of road users, with a 2003 study showing that almost 10 per cent of those killed were intoxicated and lying on the road when they were hit.

Some 40 per cent of pedestrians killed are over 65, while the vast majority of fatal crashes involving pedestrians happen during the hours of darkness.

Cyclists are the fourth most vulnerable group of road users with 15 deaths and 257 serious injuries recorded in 2007.


The Road Safety Authority said some 30,000 high-visibility jackets are to be provided for rural pub users under the initiative which is supported by the Vintners Federation of Ireland and FBD Insurance.

Pub customers are not supposed to keep the vests, but to return them to the pub for another person to use.

The authority is developing a scheme to give high-visibility jackets to pensioners, through their local pharmacies.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist