Public access: Journalist welcomes ruling

The journalist who sought information on Nama under a statutory instrument known as the Access to Information on the Environment…

The journalist who sought information on Nama under a statutory instrument known as the Access to Information on the Environment Regulations last night welcomed the High Court’s dismissal of Nama’s appeal.

Gavin Sheridan said he was pleased with the outcome adding it was “a good day for the public’s right to access information”.

He said there was “a broader issue” beyond Nama in terms of what the case was about - highlighting that it was chiefly concerned with “legal clarity on how to read the regulations”.

“We read the regulations in a certain way but Nama and Anglo Irish Bank disagreed with that reading of it. The High Court has agreed with us so we’re happy with the judgment from that point of view.”


Nama can appeal the decision to the Supreme Court

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson

Colin Gleeson is an Irish Times reporter