Podcast: Mood about impact of Brexit ‘is 90% darker than last year’

Inside Politics: Brexit pessimism dominates summer’s political events

This week’s podcast examines the potential calamity of Brexit. Photograph: Yves Herman/Reuters

On this week's Inside Politics podcast, Fine Gael have found the money to repay water charges to those who complied back in 2014, marking perhaps the final chapter in a terrible humiliation for the party.

The €170 million needed for that is coming out of €300 million that has been found down the backs of various departmental couches. Won’t that money be missed by the Ministers? The country has finally moved on from the water debacle, and today’s on the podcast we also look ahead to two of the biggest problems facing the country.

The first is how we measure and control our economy. Apart from showing our economy to be much smaller than we all thought, what does the new Gross National Income (GNI) measurement mean for political decision making?

The second is the potential calamity of Brexit.


Pat Leahy is on the line from the MacGill Summer School in Glenties, where the mood about how bad Brexit could be is "about 90 per cent darker than last year", while Mary Minihan recalls the dispiriting lack of understanding of Northern Ireland displayed by Conservative Party representatives at last week's British Irish Parliamentary Assembly in Kilkenny.

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon is head of audio at The Irish Times