Millions for TDs and Senators ‘terminated’ at general election

Provision of €14m for politicians who retire or are unsuccessful in forthcoming 2016 poll

Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin said a budget of €360m had been set aside for the running of the Dáil and Seanad over the next three years. Photograph: The Irish Times

A budget of €14 million has been set aside to pay the “termination allowances” and pensions of TDs and Senators who retire or are “involuntarily terminated” at the next election.

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Brendan Howlin said a budget of €360 million had been set aside for the running of the Dáil and Seanad over the next three years, including €131 million for next year, €120 million in 2017 and €118 million for 2018.

Mr Howlin said there was an increase in the budget of €19 million. The bulk of the rise, €14 million, is for the general election and “payments in respect of termination allowances and pensions for former members and secretarial assistants”.

He added: “Clearly, we cannot be exactly prescriptive about how many people will be voluntarily or involuntarily terminated, to adopt the unfortunate word that is used in these circumstances.”


The remainder of the increase, just under €5 million, will go towards more staff for increased security, the Oireachtas television channel, which is to run 24 hours a day, seven days a week; enhanced ICT services; Dáil reform measures such as longer sitting hours, increased budget scrutiny and pre-legislative scrutiny.

Electronic voting

It will also cover updating of IT equipment including electronic voting and broadcasting systems and an increased level of services because of the legal cases being taken against the Houses of the Oireachtas currently.

Fianna Fáil public expenditure and reform spokesman Seán Fleming warned that the Oireachtas had to be careful with regard to legal fees.

“We should not let the Bar Council run procedures in this House or allow the Oireachtas be overly prescribed.”

He added: “We must be judicious in defence of cases to protect the integrity of the Houses but if there is something that is beyond defence, we should accept that and not force it through the courts.”

Sinn Féin’s Sandra McLellan criticised the Houses of the Oireachtas Commission for failing to represent all members and staff. She said only Fine Gael, the Labour Party and Fianna Fáil were represented on the 11-member commission and Sinn Féin, the Technical Group, other Independents and Oireachtas Staff are excluded.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times