Eleven new Ambassadors nominated by Minister

Eleven new Ambassadors have been nominated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen

Eleven new Ambassadors have been nominated by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen. They include new envoys to the US and Germany, two of the most senior positions in the diplomatic service, and a new Ambassador-designate to East Timor.

Ambassador to the US for the past five years, Mr Seán Ó hUiginn is to become our envoy to Germany. Mr Ó hUiginn is the main intellectual heavyweight in the Department of Foreign Affairs. He was a formidable negotiator in the Northern Ireland peace process with an input into every major document since the process began.

He will be replaced in Washington DC by the present Ambassador to Germany, Mr Noel Fahey, who joined the department in 1974 and brings a strong background in European Union and trade affairs to his new posting.

The deputy permanent representative in the Irish mission at the United Nations, Mr Gerard Corr, has been nominated as Ambassador to South Africa. He is due to take up the post when Ireland's current term of office on the Security Council expires at the end of the year.


Two women ambassadors have been named: Ms Margaret Hennessy as Ambassador to Greece, Romania and Albania, and Ms Clare O'Flaherty as Ambassador to Finland. Ms Hennessy was Ambassador to India from 1990 to 1995. Ms O'Flaherty has served as a diplomat in Rome, Paris, Geneva and Washington.

The present Ambassador to Egypt, Mr Peter Gunning, becomes deputy permanent representative to the EU in Brussels. He will be part of the diplomatic team in Brussels during Ireland's EU presidency in 2004. He replaces Mr James Brennan, who becomes Ambassador to Denmark.

Two former press spokesmen also feature in the appointments. Mr Richard O'Brien, currently Ambassador to Australia, will replace Mr Gunning in Cairo. Mr Brendan McMahon, at present Ambassador to the Organisation for Security Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), becomes Ambassador to Hungary.

Mr McMahon will be replaced at the OSCE by Mr Brendan Moran, who was Ambassador to South Korea from 1994 to 1999.

Mr Hugh Swift, at present Ambassador to South Africa, becomes our envoy in Singapore and Brunei. He will also be Ambassador to East Timor, when independence is declared later this year.

The present Ambassador to Iran and Pakistan, Mr Tom Bolster, will also become Ambassador to Afghanistan.

Senior internal appointments have also been made in Iveagh House, where one of the most experienced and respected diplomats, Ms Marie Cross, becomes head of the corporate services division. At a time of change and transition in the department, she will take charge of personnel and staff matters.

Mr Brendan Lyons takes charge of the bilateral economic relations division, previously headed by Ms Cross. He has wide experience in the Far East.