Government approves committee to investigate international surrogacy

Committee will have 3 months to complete its work on potential legal framework

The Government will provide the committee with a ‘detailed options paper to inform its consideration of the matter’
The Government will provide the committee with a ‘detailed options paper to inform its consideration of the matter’

A new special committee will be set up in the new year to examine international surrogacy and will be given three months to complete its work.

The Oireachtas Committee on Dáil Reform has agreed to establish the joint committee to consider the options for international surrogacy and a potential legal framework.

Minister for Justice Helen McEntee wrote to the Government chief whip Jack Chambers on Wednesday informing him that the Taoiseach and other Ministers had agreed to the establishment of the committee.

She said that given the significant and important nature of the issue, a consensus should be established about the path forward.


“Following a meeting with relevant Ministers and the Taoiseach yesterday, it is intended to propose the establishment of a special joint Oireachtas committee on international surrogacy which would consider the issue.”

The Government will now provide the committee with a “detailed options paper to inform its consideration of the matter”.

Jennifer Bray

Jennifer Bray

Jennifer Bray is a former Irish Times journalist