Flanagan to address recalled Seanad on Gaza crisis

Minister will be asked to explain why Ireland abstained from UN Human rights vote

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan is expected to address the Seanad on the crisis in Gaza when the Upper House is recalled from its summer break. Photograph: Alan Betson/ The Irish Times
Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan is expected to address the Seanad on the crisis in Gaza when the Upper House is recalled from its summer break. Photograph: Alan Betson/ The Irish Times

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan is expected to address the Seanad on the crisis in Gaza, as well as tensions in Ukraine, when the Upper House is recalled from its summer break.

Maurice Cummins, the Fine Gael leader in the Seanad, confirmed it will be recalled and it is understood this could happen as soon as this week.

Mr Cummins said he had been contacted by Fine Gael and Labour senators, as well as Independent senator David Norris, seeking a recall but Fianna Fáil leader Darragh O’Brien said he had also been asking for senators to return.

A motion signed by 20 senators is needed for a recall, but Mr Cummins’ move has pre-empted the need for a petition.


“This is what I have been asking for the last few days,” Mr O’Brien said.

"I am very disappointed that the Dáil hasn't been recalled but at least one part of the Oireachtas will be discussing the crisis."

Mr O'Brien said he will ask Mr Flanagan why Ireland abstained on a vote at the UN Human Rights Council to establish an independent commission of inquiry to investigate violations of human rights.

The UNHCR also condemned Israel for potential infractions of international law.

While a date has not been set for the Seanad sitting, Mr O’Brien said he does not “see any reason why it can’t be done this week”.

It is understood events in the Ukraine, as well as in Gaza, will be discussed. There have also been calls for the Dáil to return by Taoiseach Enda Kenny has indicated this will not happen.