FG leadership: As blue blood stains the floor, does Coveney have any hope?

Politics Podcast: Coveney supporters show ways he can win, but do the numbers add up?

What influence are yesterday’s men, Enda Kenny and Michael Noonan, having behind the scenes? And is Leo really going to drag the party to the right?

Blue blood stained the floor after the final Fine Gael leadership hustings in Cork on Sunday, and now Coveney supporters are helpfully circulating numbers around Leinster House, showing the different ways he can win.

But do the numbers add up? What influence are yesterday's men, Enda Kenny and Michael Noonan, having behind the scenes? And is Leo really going to drag the party to the right?

Today's politics podcast guests are Mary Minihan and Sarah Bardon.

They also find time to talk about the Supreme Court decision on the right to work of asylum seekers in the direct provision system.


Inside Politics is hosted by Irish Times Culture Editor Hugh Linehan.

Email the podcast: politicspodcast@irishtimes.com

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