Enda Kenny outlines plan to create 220,000 jobs

Government is creating 1,300 jobs a week, says Kenny as he launches Enterprise 2025

Taoiseach Enda Kenny: he said the Government’s record on job creation is a “positive one”, citing the announcement this week of 1,000 new jobs from Apple and 300 from recruitment website Indeed. Photograph: Gareth Chaney Collins

A new 10-year employment strategy will see the creation of 220,000 jobs within the lifetime of the next government, Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said.

The Coalition on Thursday launched a long-term jobs plan, called Enterprise 2025, and Mr Kenny said the Government is creating 1,300 jobs a week. The plan was launched by the Taoiseach, Tánaiste Joan Burton, Minister for Jobs Richard Bruton, as well as junior ministers Ged Nash and Damien English.

Mr Kenny said the Government’s record on job creation is a “positive one”, citing the announcement this week of 1,000 new jobs from Apple and 300 from recruitment website Indeed.

“With the addition of Enterprise 2025 as a guiding framework for new policies, we expect to be able to lower the unemployment rate down to 6 per cent by 2020,” the Taoiseach said.


“This will see an additional 220,000 new jobs throughout the country based on the latest job creation figures.”

Ms Burton also mentioned the Apple and Indeed announcements, adding the Government’s priority is getting people back to work.

Protection against poverty



Party leader, I attach singular importance to that objective – because fairly paid and secure work is the single best protection against poverty – the single best way to a better life.

“We need to continue to restore all the jobs lost during the downturn and to build a recovery that can benefit all in our society. Enterprise 2025 will assist on that front.”