Election 2020: David Stanton (Fine Gael)

Cork East – Elected on the eighth count

David Stanton has a keen interest in parliamentary reform and has criticised poor attendance at Oireachtas committee meetings. Photograph: James Forde/The Irish Times

Minister of State for Justice since 2016, David Stanton (63) is well regarded for his work in the areas of immigration, equality and integration.

Opposition parties and non-governmental organisations have praised his efforts to deal with the controversial issue of direct provision despite ongoing criticism of Government policy.

Before Christmas he conceded to Opposition demands to increase the proposed cap on bingo prize money to 75 per cent in the Gaming and Lotteries (Amendment) Bill following protests from players and operators. But he warned against big corporations “muscling in” on the bingo sector.

A TD since 1997 when he was elected on his first attempt, he is based in Midleton and comes from a farming background. A former teacher and career guidance counsellor, he also served as an officer in the Defence Forces Reserve and as a director of the Midleton and District Day Care Centre company. He is married with four sons.


He has a keen interest in parliamentary reform, has criticised poor attendances at Oireachtas committee meetings and believes TDs should join only one committee.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times