Adams has ‘duty to tell truth’ on Spotlight revelations, claims Martin

Fianna Fáil leader says he has met with one of the individuals featured in the programme

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin has alleged Sinn Féin and the IRA had colluded in protecting abusers.

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin has said Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams’ credibility is now “in tatters” ahead of the broadcast tonight of another BBC Northern Ireland Spotlight programme focusing on IRA sex abuse.

A second alleged sex abuse victim, who claims he was raped by a member of the IRA, has spoken out to criticise how republicans dealt with his case.

Paudie McGahon told BBC Spotlight he was subjected to an IRA “kangaroo court” after a Sinn Féin representative was told of the allegations.

This follows similar allegations made to the programme by Maíria Cahill last year.


Speaking ahead of the broadcast, Mr Martin said viewers would on Tuesday night have an opportunity to watch “a harrowing tale” of “collusion between Sinn Féin/IRA in protecting sex abusers”.

Mr Martin said young men were abused and said he had met with one of the individuals who features in the programme.

The programme would reveal “at the very highest levels within Sinn Féin/IRA the degree to which they went to protect abusers”, he said.

"I would put it to Gerry Adams that he has a fundamental duty to tell the truth on this. And I would appeal to Gerry Adams not to try and do initially what he attempted to do to Maíria Cahill, to deny and to try to undermine her in her case," he said.

“I think his credibility is in tatters on this issue as it is on many other issues.”

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times