Pharmacists' group plans review of sector's education

THE PHARMACEUTICAL Society of Ireland is to commission a review of pharmacy education.

THE PHARMACEUTICAL Society of Ireland is to commission a review of pharmacy education.

The society, which regulates the pharmacy sector in Ireland, has invited tenders for a root-and-branch review of the current five-year programme of education and training required to become a pharmacist.

Pharmacy degree courses are run at Trinity College, Dublin, University College Cork and the Royal College of Surgeons in Dublin. They include four years of study and a year of practical training.

The review will include a study of the degree courses and will look at issues relating to their funding and governance. It will consider international best practice and the need for lifelong education and training. It will develop new proposals for the most appropriate form of education and training, including recommendations for a new syllabus and improved assessment methods. There will also be a review of the pharmacy course accreditation process.


The PSI, established last year under the Pharmacy Act, 2007, has a statutory role in reviewing education for pharmacists. It is also the accreditation body for the industry. A spokeswoman said its newly established professional development and learning committee recommended that the review be carried out.

"It is at least 10 years since the programme was reviewed - it should be reviewed on a five-yearly basis." She said the current courses meet all EU requirements and standards. "The review will tell us if we should be doing anything differently." The spokeswoman said the PSI would ensure that the highest standards of education and training were delivered and would guide the development of training, education and lifelong learning for pharmacists. However, the upcoming review will not look at the numbers of college places for pharmacy provided in Ireland. That study will be undertaken at a later date, she said.

Applications to tender for the review will close on April 4th.

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland

Fiona Gartland is a crime writer and former Irish Times journalist