Persistent rain likely across State for rest of week

GLOOMY FORECAST: THOSE HOPING for a break in the wet weather are set to be disappointed with forecasters predicting more of …

GLOOMY FORECAST:THOSE HOPING for a break in the wet weather are set to be disappointed with forecasters predicting more of the persistent rain which has engulfed the country in recent weeks.

Met Éireann offered little short-term hope last night predicting "isolated thunderstorms may occur anywhere" today, with more of the same expected until Friday.

Showers are expected to be heaviest in Ulster today, with scattered rainfall affecting other provinces, but there is a small chance of sunshine in southern counties.

Further rain will develop along the western seaboard tonight and this will then spread eastwards throughout the country tomorrow, the forecaster said.


As the clean-up operation from the weekend's flash floods continued, the forecaster warned 25-50mm of rain could fall again.

A spokesman for Dublin City Council said they were not expecting the same heavy downpours that caused chaos in parts of Dublin and Kildare over the weekend.

Some 76.2mm of rain was recorded at Dublin airport in a 24 hour period from midnight on Friday, a new record for August.

It is estimated millions of euro worth of damage was caused when monsoon-like rain and a high-tide caused drains to block-up.

Motorists were rescued from trapped cars and hundreds of houses were damaged after record levels of rainfall.

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll

Steven Carroll is an Assistant News Editor with The Irish Times