Ombudsman says children's needs ignored

Successive governments have ignored the needs of children with mental health problems, the Ombudsman for Children has claimed…

Successive governments have ignored the needs of children with mental health problems, the Ombudsman for Children has claimed. Emily Logan said mental health services for children and adolescents were particularly deficient and had not received the commitment they deserved.

"There have been numerous reports, task forces and expert groups indicating what needs to happen in this jurisdiction. These reports have been accepted by government, but we continue to see the rights of these children and young people ignored," Ms Logan said yesterday.

"No national picture of children's health exists in this country. No central data or information and research on the quality or level of services and uptake of those services.

"There is a very pressing need to reassess the approach taken to how young people are dealt with within the mental health system. It is not acceptable that a large number of young people from diverse backgrounds with a wide variety of problems are expected to adapt to a one-size-fits-all service."


A number of reports submitted to government have called for a dramatic increase in the number of child psychiatrists, as well as an end to the practice of admitting children to adult psychiatric units. Ms Logan called for a "radical review" of services which should include measures such as:

Early detection of difficulties for children, with services such as school-based counselling.

Participation of young people in decisions that affect them.

An effective complaints procedure and a comprehensive system of advocacy to allow this to happen.

She said the need to improve mental health services for children was underscored by Ireland's ratification of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

"A new approach to children and young people is now required, recognising that children, that is anyone up to the age of 18, are the subjects of rights and responsibilities and not just objects of concern. They are holders of rights and these rights must be safeguarded."

Ms Logan said her office, which seeks equality for children and also operates as a complaints-handling body, had not heard from families about children using mental health services.

"Children and their parents or guardians in these situations are not in positions to assert their rights.

"This, in my view, is because of the huge stigma that still exists in society around mental illness largely stems from a lack of understanding and a lack of empathy for families.

"It is time we, as a society, encouraged young people and their families to open up about mental health issues that are affecting them, provide the support they need to do this, respect what they have to say and make the necessary changes they seek.

"The best available mental health care is an entitlement under international human rights law. Our children and young people deserve no less."

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent