Oireachtas committee to discuss crisis

AN EMERGENCY meeting of the Oireachtas committee on foreign affairs will take place tomorrow to discuss the worsening flooding…

AN EMERGENCY meeting of the Oireachtas committee on foreign affairs will take place tomorrow to discuss the worsening flooding crisis in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s ambassador to Ireland Naghmana Hashmi and Minister for Overseas Development Peter Power have been invited to make presentations to the committee to facilitate a better understanding of the scale of the crisis.

Last week Mr Power announced an additional €1.19 million in funding, on top of the €750,000 already provided to aid agencies Concern and Trócaire.

Chairman of the Oireachtas committee Michael Woods said: “Our meeting will provide the ambassador with an opportunity to update members on the scale of the problem and the level of support that Pakistan needs to deal with the growing crisis.”


He said it would give committee members an opportunity to discuss Ireland’s response with the Minister.

Trócaire’s head of emergencies Maurice McQuillan, who will be an observer at the meeting, said: “The response of the Irish people has been good but Trócaire is asking the Irish Government to use its leverage to encourage other governments to give more. We also hope the joint committee will pledge to support long-term development in Pakistan.”

Meanwhile, Green Party foreign affairs spokesman Mark Dearey said: “It’s critical that we get behind our own Irish aid agencies who enjoy the highest level of trust in the way that they disperse the resources.

“We must not only respond to the immediate needs but acknowledge the dangers posed by climate change on vulnerable communities around the world.”

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance