New piers to link Blasket island to mainland

The Government has sanctioned construction of two piers linking Great Blasket island to Dún Chaoin, Co Kerry.

The Government has sanctioned construction of two piers linking Great Blasket island to Dún Chaoin, Co Kerry.

Kerry County Council advertised for tenders this week to build the piers, which it says are designed to "facilitate improved access to the Great Blasket island from the existing embarcation point" at Dún Chaoin, on the westernmost tip of the Dingle peninsula.

The proposed pier at Dún Chaoin will comprise a 50m bridge from the existing pier on to a new 25m-by-7m solid pier structure. The bridge will have a reinforced concrete support at mid-span.

The proposed pier on the Great Blasket will measure 25m by 6m, with a precast concrete bridge to link it to the island.


Last summer a dispute between ferry operators raised fears about future public access, with one operator claiming security men employed by another prevented his passengers from touring the Great Blasket.

The dispute arose just days after an announcement by Minister for the Environment Dick Roche that agreement had been reached with landowners to buy the majority of land interests there for €1.7 million.

The Minister said a new pier would be provided as part of a detailed management plan, which would also involve conserving homes where renowned Blasket writers Peig Sayers, Tomás Ó Criomtháin and Muiris Ó Suilleabháin lived. The Office of Public Works has responsibility for the island on behalf of the State. Details of the council tender are on the Government's "e-tender" website.

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times