Neglect is a factor in addiction, group told

Parents' neglect of their children is being regularly cited as a major factor in drug abuse at a series of National Drugs Strategy…

Parents' neglect of their children is being regularly cited as a major factor in drug abuse at a series of National Drugs Strategy meetings being held around the State.

At a regional meeting in Dublin yesterday, several participants referred to lack of parental control and asked why parents allowed their children out on the streets late at night. One audience member asked if legislation could be introduced to force parents to ensure their children were home before a certain time.

Meanwhile, Det Insp John Fitzpatrick, of Pearse Street Station in Dublin, said sporting bodies and clubs should be generously funded in recognition of their work in keeping young people off the streets.

"They are diverting young people from drugs, and it's usually on a voluntary basis," he said.


He called for legislation which would force landlords to take responsibility for drug-dealers in their rented accommodation.

He added that rehabilitated addicts should be facilitated as much as possible when they seek to relocate to a new area.

"Otherwise old habits, old friends and the old community encourage the nightmare to start all over again," he said.

The use of methadone in treating addicts was defended by Mr Eoin Ryan, Minister of State with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy.

"I believe that a range of options, including methadone and detoxification, are required," Mr Ryan said. "A recent study of the Eastern Health Board's treatment services found that almost 40 per cent of those on the methadone programme were now working."

The number of drug addicts in treatment in the Eastern Regional Health Authority (ERHA) area has risen from around 1,400 in 1996 to nearly 4,500 this year.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times