MEP says neutrality is under attack

IRISH neutrality is under attack, the Green MEP, Ms Patricia McKenna, has warned

IRISH neutrality is under attack, the Green MEP, Ms Patricia McKenna, has warned. In a strongly worded statement, the MEP for Dublin expressed serious concern at reports that the Government's White Paper on Foreign Policy will recommend "closer links with the Western European Union" - a move which she says would "signal the death knell of Irish neutrality".

She also criticised the delay in publishing the White Paper, which was originally promised for last summer. The delay left no time for debate before the Intergovernmental Conference on the revision of EU treaties, she said. "This means that issues like recommending changes in our neutral status are going to be presented as a fait accompli." The seminars held by the Department of Foreign Affairs last year were "largely a sham", she added.

She also called on the Government to condemn the recent communication from the European Commission on how the arms industry can be assisted by the EU.

McKenna warned that the purpose of the communication was explicitly to provide a defence identity for the EU.


The WEU's humanitarian and peacekeeping role is likely to be enhanced over the next year. Neutral members of the EU may then wish to opt into individual operations. The White Paper is likely to support this option.

Ms McKenna argues, however, that such terms as "conflict prevent ion" are highly misleading when used in the WEU context.

The WEU, she says, is still committed "to Cold War ideas like nuclear deterrence" and Ireland should confine its peacekeeping to activities under UN auspices.

Patrick Smyth

Patrick Smyth

Patrick Smyth is former Europe editor of The Irish Times