Memories are made of this

Yes, it's that time again when we test your memory of the events of the past 12 months

Yes, it's that time again when we test your memory of the events of the past 12 months. Were you paying attention during the year 2000?

1: The Taoiseach announced dramatic plans to build a £281 million what in north Dublin? a) Giant snowman b) Downstairs bathroom with jacuzzi and sauna c) National stadium

2: As a generous contribution to the project, former bookmaker and current multi-millionaire J. P. McManus offered: a) The loan of a cement mixer b) Odds of 33-1 against it ever happening c) £50 million

3: Frank Dunlop told the Flood Tribunal he gave a politician £40,000 in what? a) A weak moment b) Used fivers c) A plastic bag


4: President Clinton visited Dundalk, emphasising the newly positive image of a town once nicknamed after which notorious bandit-filled frontier post? a) Clones b) Jalalabad c) El Paso

5: The Government moved to increase dramatically the number of what on our streets? a) Escaped prisoners b) Manhole covers c) Taxis

6: "There I was in my . . . . . this morning with the radio on": Mary O'Rourke gives a typically colourful account of how she learned about the resignation of the CIE chairman. Fill in the missing part of the sentence. a) Chiropodists b) French maid's outfit c) Bath

7: Liam Lawlor told the Flood tribunal he had a £38,000 cheque cashed for him by: a) A leprechaun b) A bank that liked to say yes c) A publican

8: In an attempt to revive a flagging presidential campaign, Al and Tipper Gore surprised supporters by doing what on stage at the Democratic Convention? a) Keeping their clothes on b) The lead parts of Riverdance c) Kissing passionately

9: George W Bush. The "w" stands for: a) Wild-man b) White Anglo-Saxon Protestant c) Walker

10: Denmark said no to what? a) A visitor from the Jehovahs Witnesses b) The Westlife album c) Membership of the Euro

11: There was consternation in GAA circles when which hurling legend didn't make it on to the Team of the Millennium? a) Cuchulainn b) DJ Carey

12: The Irish Rugby team shocked France by doing what in Paris? a) The can-can b) Ordering their steaks "well done" c) Winning a match

13: A Dublin street was closed to traffic when Sir Alex Ferguson opened: a) His wallet b) The new Chester Beatty library of oriental art c) A Manchester United superstore

14: Charlie McCreevy faced accusations that he was out of touch with popular opinion after he:

a) Helped the Grinch steal Christmas b) Imposed DIRT tax on piggy banks c) Nominated Hugh O'Flaherty as vice-president of the European Investment Bank.

15: A television series in which a group of strangers was cooped up in a house surrounded by cameras and had to perform a series of bizarre rituals including voting every week to throw each other out was the year's surprising hit. What was the series called? a) Oireachtas Report b)Big Brother

Frank McNally can be contacted at

Frank McNally

Frank McNally

Frank McNally is an Irish Times journalist and chief writer of An Irish Diary