Mandelson could overrule unionist veto, Mallon says

Mr Seamus Mallon has suggested the Northern Secretary could overrule the Ulster Unionist veto on Sinn Fein ministers attending…

Mr Seamus Mallon has suggested the Northern Secretary could overrule the Ulster Unionist veto on Sinn Fein ministers attending North-South Ministerial Council (NSMC) meetings. Meanwhile, Sinn Fein has indicated it may launch a legal challenge against the sanction.

Irish Government ministers and nationalist ministers from the Executive gathered in Enniskillen yesterday as British and Irish officials strove to break the political deadlock over IRA engagement with the decommissioning body and Mr David Trimble's bar on Sinn Fein involvement in NSMC meetings.

The meeting, involving the Deputy First Minister, Mr Mallon, and the two health ministers, Mr Martin and Ms Bairbre de Brun, fell outside the scope of the NSMC because of the unionist sanction. Nevertheless, the nationalist ministers took comfort from the fact that considerable North-South business was transacted.

The meeting saw the formal establishment of the all-island Food Safety Promotion Board as well as progress in areas of co-operation such as cancer and renal services, cross-Border hospital accident and emergency cover, and the launching of television campaigns promoting food safety and the use of folic acid by women planning pregnancy.


"I don't want to overstate it, but we were together today because we are in the business of life-saving," said Mr Martin.

"We have taken a number of decisions to enhance North-South co-operation, and we will hopefully improve the health and well-being of all the people on the island of Ireland," said Ms de Brun.

Mr Mallon suggested Mr Mandelson could overrule Mr Trimble's veto. "No doubt the Secretary of State has given full consideration to this option. It would be helpful to hear from him on this matter before the crisis deepens," he added.

The Sinn Fein president, Mr Gerry Adams, met the Taoiseach in Dublin yesterday evening. Earlier, the Sinn Fein ardchomhairle heard the party had had legal advice that Mr Trimble was in breach of his responsibilities in imposing the sanction.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times